Why City Parks Car Bot Parking is the Future

Why City Park's Car Bot Parking is the Future?

With the increase in the amount of cars and vehicles that are being manufactured and used by people. An efficient method of parking system is required. However, relaxing when you escape the traffic is often a predominant factor in big and busy cities. There comes another headache following the traffic, which is finding a safe parking lot. You cannot park your car anywhere you want. There are a lot of times where the car can get damaged. You should also not park your vehicle at an NO PARKING area so that you escape from fine and legal issues. Would you please continue scrolling to have a deeper dive into the efficient method of parking?What is an Automated Parking System (APS)?

It is a famous quote that states, "Necessity is the mother of invention". Yes, it is true because, when people and industries found out the necessity of parking lots that are arising in this world, they created an APS. The automated parking system, also called APS, is a mechanically designed system that helps people in parking their vehicles in a safe and within a small amount of area. An APS racks the cars on top of each other in an efficient manner, which helps in the ease of parking within a minimum number of areas and volume that is required. It was also profitable because it helped people in parking a greater number of vehicles that they were able to park in a normal parking garage.

What are the major types of APS upon function?

APS helped in automatically parking and retrieving the cars or vehicles in an efficient manner. There are two major types of APS that are available for people's convenience. They are:

  • Fully-automated APS
  • Semi-automated APS

Fully-automated APS: It has become one of the most sophisticated types of parking system. It is basically a robot vented model, and all that you have to do is just take your car to the entry point of APS. You can take the ticket or code that is automatically provided to you. The driver and other passengers have to vacate the car. This automated parking system identifies the size of the car and its dimensions using a proximity sensor. This helps the APS to park the vehicle in the perfect empty parking slot. After people have vacated the car, the APS lifts your car and parks at the specified place. After this, the people can safely park their vehicles. Upon returning, you have to provide the ticket or the code you received during parking, and the APS lands back your vehicle safely.

Semi-automated APS: Unlike the fully automated parking system, in a semi-automated parking system, a small help is required. In the fully-automated APS, the machine was developed in a way that the entire process can be done by itself, and there is no need for any kind of assistance. But in the semi-automated system, assistance is required for parking the vehicle in the allotted empty parking slot.


Different types of parking at the city park

Though the APS was classified into two major types based on its functionality, there are many different types of parking lots that the city park provides its customers. These parking slots are different from each other and have their own advantages. The types of parking slots available at the city park are:

  • Puzzle Parking
  • Tower parking
  • Translator parking
  • Cart parking
  • Car bot parking
  • Rotatory parking


Car Bot Parking: The future

Out of all the different types of parking, the Car Bot parking system in the City Park has a lot of predominant advantages. There are many benefits that pose as a major advantage of this type of parking. The car bot parking works in a way that it helps people to park their vehicles in both horizontal as well as vertical ways. It is split up into three-level systems or tiers: the top, middle, and bottom, where the bottom level is underground. There is a space between the top and middle level, where it easily helps in the easy movement of cars to the top and middle tier.


Benefits of using Car Bot Parking

There are a few benefits that are helpful in making the car bot parking mechanism a beneficial and advantageous one. A few of the benefits that cannot be neglected and have to be added to the beneficial checklist are:


Ø  It saves the land area.

In the normal parking garages, it is important that they build a garage with the facilities of entry and exit points not just for the vehicles but also for the people. But this is not the same with an automated parking system. This is because the mechanically designed machine entirely does the work. The vehicles and cars are parked without the assistance of any driver. The most important thing in the car bot parking of the city parking is, they also use the underground layer to the maximum. Thus, it helps in parking a greater number of vehicles than possible but in a minimum area of parking. The volume of the parking lot is also reduced.

Ø  Steady and quick parking

In this type of car bot parking, the vehicles can be parked in a much faster and in an efficient manner. There is less amount of noise and tension. Thus, the pressure of parking your vehicles and cars in a safer place can be tossed. With the automated parking system, it becomes a very comfortable process. There are no requirements for honking your horn and asking if there are any empty parking slots. You don't have to ride throughout the parking slot to find an empty slot. Thus, it reduces the wastage of your valuable timing trying to park and makes the process easier and within a short span of time.

Ø  Multi-channel operation

The automated parking system helps in the parking of a greater number of vehicles with the minimum usage of time and area. Especially in this type of car bot parking system, it has made the entire process of parking a piece of cake for the people at city parking. The machine uses a multi-channel operating system, where there are not just one but three tiers that are working towards the satisfaction of parking for the people. Thus, it helps in providing more space for parking which helps in parking a greater number of vehicles in the parking lot. This multi-channel parking of the car bot parking is just used in small parking places but also for industries. These kinds of parking have become a necessity for industries as they are manufacturing a greater number of automobiles.

Ø  Provides enhanced services

The car bot parking helps in providing people with enhanced services in terms of speed, availability, quality services, and security to cars and valuables. These features are better than people can find in normal parking garages. Thus, people opt to park their vehicles in places where that provide you advanced parking systems APS. So, when you think of parking, your mind always shifts towards the positive aspects that an automated parking system provides you. 

These benefits help people prefer automated parking systems for parking their cars and vehicles wherever they go. The ease of the process always attracts a large number of people towards automated parking systems APS.


Why choose a professional parking site?

It is important that you choose a professional parking site. This is because you cannot put your car and other valuables into the hands of unprofessional people. Security is very important for your cars so that there is no damage to the vehicle and theft security for your valuables inside your customer's car. Thus, when you are trying to park the vehicles, please keep in mind of the service that they are providing, such as:

ü  Choose a company that has a team of professionals who can help you with parking solutions

ü  Make the money that you spend on parking worthier through getting quality outcomes

ü  Don't settle for little, choose companies such as city parking as they can provide you with advanced technology

ü  Customer-friendly companies are important. Choose people who provide you with after-service help

ü  Select professionals who have more than 30 years of experience in this field so that you don't get to face any problems after parking construction

ü  The brand name of the "Made in India" promotion helps in developing integrity

ü  Choose the sites that provide you with annual maintenance service contracts which are followed in the city park solutions


The bottom line

When you are doing advanced work like constructing parking lots for your company, industry or anywhere, it is important that you move with professionals. This is because professional parking solution providers such as City Park provide you with safe and uplifting ideas or solutions for your parking-related queries. They are customer-friendly and would be happy to help you at any point of prior and post-service. So, choosing better will help in profitable and safer outcomes.